kuhmeeleeuhn boutique (phonetic for chameleon), redefines eclectic and versatile style options for women. we take the worry out of creating that "effortlessly fabulous" look that celebrities around the hottest towns make front pages in. we provide style solutions that are affordable but are high end quality. we make you turn heads when you are styled by us because that's just what we are really good at. we love models, but are not for the typical "model' wardrobe, we fit you. we are unique, so are you and so is your look. when everything else looks the same, we don't. we teach you how to wear it best! so if you really love fashion, you will become a kuhmeeleeuhn and we can't wait to shop with you!
you change. life change. style change...let us handle the style part for you!
wardrobe emergency? use Facebook messenger to get at us 24/7
cha•me•le•on /kəˈmiliən, -ˈmilyən/ [kuh-mee-lee-uhn, -meek-yuhn] one that is subject to quick or frequent change especially in appearance